
we provide a wide range of  online presence services

Discover below our packages & offers

How can we help you?

Web Design

Promote yourself, show all skills and experience, link to your CV & Posts

Domain Registration (1 Year)

Server Hosting (1 Year)

Premium Design

2 pages

Free Logo Design 

Free Security Certificate (SSL)

1 email account


after 1 year,  10 per month

Your online Portfolio & ready to share

Photographers, Architects, Artists, Freelancers , and more..

Domain Registration (1 Year)

Server Hosting (1 Year)

Premium Design

3 pages

Free Logo Design 

Free Security Certificate (SSL)

2 email accounts


after 1 year, 10 per month

Corporate & Industrial Businesses, Lawyers, Doctors, Dentist, Pharmacies, Gym, Shops and more

Business information, Services, Portfolio, Gallery, Contact, Appointments, and more

Domain Registration (1 Year)

Server Hosting (1 Year)

5 pages

Free Logo Design 

Free Security Certificate (SSL)

5 email accounts


after 1 year, €15 per month


Bring your shop and products online, maximize your exposure and sells


Domain Registration (1 Year)

Server Hosting (1Year)

WooCommerce for B2C

Magento for B2B

Payments gateway setup ( Stripe / Pay Pal)

Free Logo Design 

Free Security Certificate (SSL)

5 email accounts

From €999

after 1 year, from €20 per month

Real Estate

Promote your existing or under construction property

Maximize the exposure, have all properties details and contacts in one link at your chosen domain

Domain Registration (1 Year)

Server Hosting (1 Year)

Premium Design

Free Security Certificate (SSL)

1 page

1 email account

What's App integration

From €299

after 1 year, from 10 per month

Business website for your Real Estate agency, as well as search engine for your uploaded listings

Domain Registration (1 Year)

Server Hosting (1 Year)

Premium Design

Listings upload facility

Properties search engine 

4 pages

Free Logo Design 

Free Security Certificate (SSL)

4 email accounts

From €799

after 1 year, from 15 per month


SEO is an investment, not a cost

Results are taking few months to reflect on Google search results, but last forever

Cost staring from €200 per page / per month for 3 key words

Design banners, setup and optimize Google Ads Campaigns

From €250 / per month


Design, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram banners

Setup and optimize paid ads

Regular posting on your company social media accounts 


From €250 / Per month

Additional Services

Target more Audience by offering language switcher

€100 for each additional language 

Professional, clear & custom photographs incases clients trust and business reliability





from €50

Professional Content & SEO friendly

€100 per page / 600 wards

For bigger E-commerce with greater number of products we offer, help with products upload for time saving and reducing human errors 

from €1 per product 

Any Other Ideas?

Responsive Design

Website adopt to any screen size